New World Feilding

Related Systems: FiberthermX
Project Size: 3,000 m2
Location: Feilding, Manawatu
Project Date: January 2018
Architect: HDT Architecture
Main Contractor: Maycroft Construction Ltd
Installer: Turfrey

Foodstuffs developed a site in Feilding, Manawatu, establishing a New World supermarket. RoofLogic collaborated with the architect and main contractor to deliver a roofing solution that met various project objectives. The aim was to implement a true “warm roof” design to ensure optimal thermal performance, maintaining a comfortable interior environment year-round.

To address concerns about potential weathertightness issues related to multiple panel lap joints, the roof system facilitated the installation of the metal top skin in a single sheet. The longest sheet lengths reached 32.8 meters. However, the locally manufactured top skin could be processed, delivered, and installed. This eliminated the need for sheet overlaps or roof steps.

The FiberthermX roof system also enabled the building contractor to achieve an early and effective close-in, supporting the program objectives of the build. The installation of the 3000m2 LinerDeck within one week provided crucial weather protection, allowing internal fit-out works to commence.

Futhermore, the roof system was meticulously designed to seamlessly integrate with a proprietary twin-skin skylight solution.

RoofLogic remained actively engaged throughout the project, assisting in both design and construction phases. The RoofLogic FiberthermX system offered an exceptionally economical and efficient warm roof solution, complemented by the skylight design and coloured face of the liner deck, contributing to the perfect internal aesthetic.

System Details

The RoofLogic FiberthermX system was specified and installed on the project. The FiberthermX system provides the perfect solution for new supermarket construction.

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