The Quest Hotel on Lambton is a high-profile building on Lambton Quay.
Before its renovation, the existing metal trough roof, with a very low pitch (some falls as low as 0.62°), had weathertightness issues. To address this, the original roofing profile was retained, and a RoofLogic Recover system with a FiberTite membrane roof was installed over the existing metal.
The RoofLogic Recover system included 40mm PIR fillets in the troughs, an RL LW RoofBoard as a continuous substrate, and a FiberTite membrane overlay. Despite the low pitch, the FiberTite membrane performs well even at very low pitch. Its performance remains uncompromised when installed nominally flat, and the standard warranty still applies in such situations.
System Details
UltraTherm Xtreme FiberTite Recover insulated roofing system over existing metal roofing substrate.
- RL PIR Fillets
- RL PIR LW Board
- FiberTite membrane